Collin's mother is one of my co-workers and she approached me a few weeks ago about photographing her son's senior portraits. I have done a fair-share of portraits since starting my business, but this was my first Senior to photograph. How exciting!
I remember being a Senior in high school. You feel so
mature. So
independent. You have leaped over a HUGE stepping stone in your life and the possibilities that lie ahead are seemingly endless.
Collin is part of the Tarkington High School Class of 2012! He plans to attend Lone Star College in Kingwood to work towards a degree in Music Education. Which, to me, made perfect since as he brought his guitar along for the shoot and serenaded the passer-bys with his musical talent. And, boy, is he talented! As we were finishing up the photo shoot, I had my body dropped in full-on squat position (you know, trying to get the cool angle) and Collin started playing a jazzy-riff on his guitar and proceeded to make up a song off the top of his head! Amused, I was attempting to listen to the song while trying to capture the sun in my frame to cast a neat glow on his silhouette. I thought that his little tune was pretty fun and clever, and then he continues the riff with this line: "She's about to sit on a dead bird.... oh, yes, I said she is about to sit on a dead bird.... She's probably going to contract some sort of disease if she sits on that dead bird...." Realizing that he was looking right at me and giving me that "for real, I'm talking about you" look, I glance down and right below my rump is a freshly dead bird COVERED in flies and maggots. So, thank you Collin for using your talents to protect my bum from a nice smear of dead bird.

He has quite the personality!
Hovering over dead birds,